You can make more money or acquire more of whatever you want by investing in yourself than in any other investment.

1.  Love you more than you love material things. Love you more than you love someone else. Love your past because it will teach you that you have more life in front of you because you can’t change the past, but you can learn from the good and bad lessons. I love the journey in life and learning how to love others more.

2.  Learn how to love yourself by practicing an active life of gratitude and forgiveness. Learn how to master the “art of self-learning,” living is learning new things daily. Therefore, you should recognize that you can learn something from everyone.

3.  Take growth and success ACTIONS daily! Newton’s Third Law of Motion states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Therefore, you MUST be working toward a better life, career, relationship, business, or changing the course of your life every minute, hour, day, and year if you wish to see a massive change in your life.

4. Loving yourself and being happy is a personal choice!  It is true some people are naturally happy, and you see them as loving themselves more. This is proven through a genetic disposition. This doesn’t mean that you were born to be miserable if you are not a naturally happy person. Your happiness is influenced by your genetics, but it is not fixed as a determining factor.  If you are not a naturally happy person you can change the way you think and feel so you are. The key is to change the way your brain thinks and the things you do. You can learn to do things daily to bring up your happiness level which will help you learn to smile more and be a happier person. Your mindful thinking is the key to happiness.

 – There are forces out in the universe and around you that are working hard to help your growth and success, so keep your eyes and mind open to spot them and then take swift action to move in that direction.  The oppositive is true as well; there are internal forces that are personal to you that can take you from your successful path. Those forces are procrastination, fear, feeling of lacking support, doubtful thinking, and not having a definite major purpose for your life.

 – Destructive Forces you don’t see, and they are close to you; in your friend circle, in your family, and in your home that is working against your forward growth…envy, jealousy, greed, gluttony, and over-consumption. These forces can be internal or external to the people around you.

5.  Life-Long Learning is the key to lasting success, wealth, and excellent health. We live in an ever-changing environment and world, so we need to continue learning from birth to going home to glory! Knowledge is the key to greater health and generational wealth.

People have always been immoral, shiftless, and self-gratifying. For ages, humankind struggled to find a conceptual system to operationalize their spiritual, personal, and work ethics shortcomings. Therefore, put greater energy into attracting positive people into your life. The key to “investing in you,” is surrounding yourself with motivated and great-spirited people from friends to dating.

6.  People in your circle, you know, are plotting environments and surroundings that are familiar, but that comfort is toxic. In the motivational world, it has been said we’re the sum of the 5 closes people in our life. Therefore, you need to change your circle of friends to live a better life.

If you invest in yourself before deciding to date someone, you will bring much great confidence to that dating experience. This confidence will be felt on a date and by your friends. Take time to heal the wombs from past relationships to free you up to date better. Most people don’t wish to date a person still carrying around baggage from past relationships. Moreover, you need to invest in loving yourself! If you invest in yourself, you will be able to give more to dating to enhance the opportunity to have a good relationship.




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You can make more money or acquire more of whatever you want by investing in yourself than in any other investment. 1.  Love you more